Articles to write + PORTFOLIO

Lea Marie mairet bede
3 min readJun 6, 2024


> 01 the decisions poweer in fintech how decisoons of mulan so me transformed banking forever and for the future my contract with ant group me and the rothchilds

> 02 how the quantum paper started vs how is it going

Charlize africa guerlain fan bing bing dubain and dior and mit

>03 building market places with chat gpt ding alibaba google

04 > unlocking billions of industries globally and now + with all embassies and my G 20 and all nations and banks signed globally crossed all industries and now there wont be a meme nor zeero meme of me .

05 > unlocking people search with it what they search on google when i triggered with pachai and zuck on instagram what people are searching for cartier camee with me my idea of mordernity i triggered new way for people to really see google and use google like never before i did achieved so much and this is beyond more for mme and my certifications with all of those millions billions of users and all

coming with summer 16 in 2022 alone assaulted by drake and ovo in the sticks of dallas texas legit meant so much forme i was really alone there where. efucking spynix in my fucking backyard bitch finishing IOT and submiting it to the wef that signed me globally may 22 2022 legit bitch

and coming with this with obama and his rape by genocide his genocide of my family in the usa all of my friends and all it is so massive for me not solely in terms of culture or technology but in everything and cartier like my crown are a forever reign

06 > the side side peace and side hustle we fucking had it with the fucking rats criminals nazi of teasm wang and the shit of beyonce there is no other way to put it with drake and drakerelated and obama it is legit the sole fucking thing they are.

07 > Join me at IREV 3 i dont like much pizza but i made. a lab in tokyo JAPAN for it new york bejin tokyo as we know

08 > what is in for the future for myself the house of the rothchild with my peers re inventing experience

09 > Join me 3 ways to have a brand at l oreal paris on brand storm to re invent the future of beauty

10 > FLORALIS just Floralis global massive impact

they are just crimminals that have should be are fucking required to be arrested.

i always built an ecosystem and now more than ever i am doing it

there is zero way they have a shirt 9 scam and scam on me globally and now we dont relate we are not a family we wont dont reelate and now there. wont be 41 years whatever they are fucking arrested and now and nothing else

Those are definitly my articles on medium



Lea Marie mairet bede

Hello There! I am a product designer and mostly it is what I believe I can change the world though my design and ideas