Pratical AI and Vision
This is really about the code and making the applications follow me into thi journey that might give you the envy to do some applications…
What we are going to it is an application with
Face Detection
Barcode Detection
Saliency Detection
Image Similarity
Image Classification
Drawing Recognition
Style Classification
1- Open X code
2- For this you would need to open Xcode Chosing the Single View APP
3- File Menu > New> File = Adding a new face swift to the project Faces.swift
Import UI Kits.
Import Vision
4- Follow the imports add the following extension on UI image.
Extension UI image {
Func DetectFaces( completion: @escaping ( [ VN FaceObservation]?) ()0
{ guard let image= self.cgImage else { return completion(nil) } () .async {
let handler = VNImageRequestHandler (
cgImage: image,
orientation: self.cfImageOrientation
try? handler.perform ([request])
guard let observations = [CNFaceObservation] {
Completion (observations)
Next > create a new file calles Views.swift witch we use to define some swift elements in our App.
1- import Swift UI & add a new view Struct called TwoStateButton:
private let text: String
private let disable: bool
private let background : color
private let action : () -> Void
and then …
How to make the UI KIT frame work within Swift UI