Website Analysis 365 of Cartier

Lea Marie mairet bede
Published in
3 min readFeb 9, 2023


Infinte ♾️ Scrolling with WEB GL.

Happy Reading!

For this article I did a video Because you can see the interactions and this website is extremely magical.

I am determined to not have a fry show so what I do is. that I analze website. I put here the collection of imagery as well that are super relevant to Cartier. The entire website is broken down to 3 365 and each have their own article. It is absolutly magic. At the end I have left an entire demo of the website of 5 minute where you can see it or you can experience it yourselves here

My bad during the video I said that this would be done in webflow it is possible but it is actually done in Web GL.

Dear Dreamer and product designer, I am doing a website analysis this one is without the code the second will have the code. I analyze websites this one is from awwwward it is 365 of Cartier Awwwward: Cartier: : The Odessy of Cartier is here: This is chapter 10 the last chapter up to date with the story. My portfolio is: My Medium is here: The awwward academy is here: Webflow is here: Webflow university: Everything that I mentioned in this video. So my bad it is factually done in WEB GL to learn about web GL :

Those are all of the links discussed in the video.



Hello There! I am a product designer and mostly it is what I believe I can change the world though my design and ideas